Codes in common
(1). Check if user id and password is inside session. When the user id and password is inside user session, it will automatically populate into the user id and pin textbox, so that the user need not manually type his user id and password repeatedly.
(2). Prompt user to enter OTP if the OTP timeouts. A pop up window will prompt the user to enter OTP if they are first time logged in and using a function, or the OTP timesout and receive error 41.
(3). Class need to be created in order to serialize user inputs into JSON format before post the request to the server. A header is always needed for calling the API. It includes user id, pin number, OTP, and service name.
(4). Class needed to be created to serialize content of the webrequest to JSON format. The attributes depends on what the API needed.
"010000": No errors.
"010041": OTP has expired.
"010xxx": Other errors.
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