Get FX Forward Contract
We will first import the "", "java.util", "" and "org.json" packages into the solution.
Next, we create a public class "GetFXForwardContract".
Inside the public class, we will create a public static void, and declare all the input and output variables.
Then we create a try clause, and create both the header and content object.
Then, we will connect to the API serviceName, build the request parameters, send the request, and get the response object.
Then we will parse the Content, ServiceResponse, and ServiceRespHeader, and store the "GlobalErrorID", "ErrorText" and "ErrorDetails" in "globalErrorID", "errorText" and "errorDetails" respectively.
If the globalErrorID is '010041', it means that the OTP provided has expired. We will then display the errorText and errorDetails as well as the message 'OTP has expired, new OTP will be sent'.
If it is not '010000', we will display the ErrorText and the ErrorDetails.
Else, it means that there is no error, and we will display the result.
Entire Code:
import java.util.*;
import org.json.*;
public class GetFXForwardContract {
public static void main(String args[])
boolean verbose = true;
// api url
String apiServiceUrl = "";
//response parameters
String serviceRespTag = "FX_Forward_Contract_ReadResponse";
String globalErrorID;
String errorText;
String errorDetails;
String fxForwardID = "5";
String serviceName = "getFXForwardContract";
String userID = "alan";
String PIN = "987654";
String OTP = "987654";
String fxForwardID2;
String amount;
String baseCurrency;
String baseCurrencyAccountID;
String baseCurrencyInterestRate;
String customerID;
String forwardRate;
String maturityDate;
String openDate;
String period;
String quoteCurrency;
String quoteCurrencyAccountID;
String quoteCurrencyInterestRate;
String referenceNumber;
String spotRate;
String status;
try {
// build header
JSONObject jo = new JSONObject();
jo.put("serviceName", serviceName);
jo.put("userID", userID);
jo.put("PIN", PIN);
jo.put("OTP", OTP);
JSONObject headerObj = new JSONObject();
headerObj.put("Header", jo);
String header = headerObj.toString();
// build content
jo = new JSONObject();
jo.put("FX_ForwardID", fxForwardID);
JSONObject contentObj = new JSONObject();
contentObj.put("Content", jo);
String content = contentObj.toString();
// connect to API service
HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(apiServiceUrl).openConnection();
// build request parameters
String parameters
= "Header="+header+"&"
+ "Content="+content;
// send request
BufferedWriter br = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(urlConnection.getOutputStream()));
// get response
String response = "";
Scanner s = new Scanner(urlConnection.getInputStream());
while (s.hasNextLine()){
response += s.nextLine();
// get response object
boolean apiError;
JSONObject responseObj = new JSONObject(response);
responseObj = new JSONObject(response);
if (verbose){
System.out.println(responseObj.toString(4)); // indent 4 spaces
// parse {"Content"}
contentObj = responseObj.getJSONObject("Content");
// parse {"ServiceResponse"}
JSONObject serviceRespObj = contentObj.getJSONObject("ServiceResponse");
// parse {"ServiceRespHeader"}
JSONObject serviceRespHeaderObj = serviceRespObj.getJSONObject("ServiceRespHeader");
globalErrorID = serviceRespHeaderObj.getString("GlobalErrorID");
errorText = serviceRespHeaderObj.getString("ErrorText");
errorDetails = serviceRespHeaderObj.getString("ErrorDetails");
System.out.println("OTP expired, new OTP will be sent");
else if(!globalErrorID.equals("010000"))
JSONObject FXObj = serviceRespObj.getJSONObject("FXForwardContract");
JSONObject FX2Obj = FXObj.getJSONObject("FXForwardContract");
fxForwardID2 = FX2Obj.getString("FX_ForwardID");
amount = FX2Obj.getString("amount");
baseCurrency = FX2Obj.getString("baseCurrency");
baseCurrencyAccountID = FX2Obj.getString("baseCurrencyAccountID");
baseCurrencyInterestRate = FX2Obj.getString("baseCurrencyInterestRate");
customerID = FX2Obj.getString("customerID");
forwardRate = FX2Obj.getString("forward_rate");
maturityDate = FX2Obj.getString("maturity_date");
openDate = FX2Obj.getString("open_date");
period = FX2Obj.getString("period");
quoteCurrency = FX2Obj.getString("quoteCurrency");
quoteCurrencyAccountID = FX2Obj.getString("quoteCurrencyAccountID");
quoteCurrencyInterestRate = FX2Obj.getString("quoteCurrencyInterestRate");
referenceNumber = FX2Obj.getString("referenceNumber");
spotRate = FX2Obj.getString("spot_rate");
status = FX2Obj.getString("status");
System.out.println("FX Forward ID = " +fxForwardID2);
System.out.println("Amount = " +amount);
System.out.println("Base Currency = " +baseCurrency);
System.out.println("Base Currency Account ID = " +baseCurrencyAccountID);
System.out.println("Base Currency Interest Rate = " +baseCurrencyInterestRate);
System.out.println("Customer ID = " +customerID);
System.out.println("Forward Rate = " +forwardRate);
System.out.println("Maturity Date = " +maturityDate);
System.out.println("Open Date = " +openDate);
System.out.println("Period = " +period);
System.out.println("Quote Currency = " +quoteCurrency);
System.out.println("Quote Currency Account ID = " +quoteCurrencyAccountID);
System.out.println("Quote Currency Interest Rate = " +quoteCurrencyInterestRate);
System.out.println("Reference Number = " +referenceNumber);
System.out.println("Spot Rate = " +spotRate);
System.out.println("Status = " +status);
catch(Exception e)
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