Get Currency List
We need to import useful data from these 4 sources, and to load 4 different types of functions below.
There is a function called "loadReferenceData". It contains 8 different types of functions:
The "loadReferenceData" function is to ensure functions are executed sequentially. Without it, these 8 functions above are not be able to execute.
We will create a function called: getCurrencyListName.
CurrencyListCode is the data that we are going to match.
Then, we will use for loop to loop CurrencyLists, and use an empty variable product to store all the looped CurrencyLists(Every time to loop CurrencyLists, there will be different value coming out.).
If CurrencyCode in the variable CurrencyList can match CurrencyListCode, then it will return the CountryName from the variable CurrencyList.
Else, if CurrencyCode in the variable CurrencyList cannot match CurrencyListCode, then it will return undefined.
We will create an empty variable CurrencyLists(used in function getCurrencyListName(CurrencyListCode)) and a function "loadCurrencyList".
Then, we will set request parameters by creating a variable headerobj:
The header contains:
Then set up http request and http event handlers.
If globalErrorID is equal to "010000"(means no error),
CurrencyLists will contain all the data in responseObj.Content.ServiceResponse.CurrencyList.Currency.
Else, the system will come out an alert message: "Error retrieving document type list."
Once time is out, the system will come out an alert message: "Timeout retrieving document type list."
This code required data variable onreadystatechange from Jsp, please refer to onreadystatechange above.
This code required data variable xmlHttp from Jsp, please refer to xmlHttp above.
This code required data variable ApiURL from Jsp, please refer to ApiURL above.
This code required data variable ontimeout from Jsp, please refer to ontimeout above.
How can we test the getCurrencyListName function?
In order to test the function, we can use getFXForwardContract.html to test it.
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