Purpose of this API command
Input |
Description |
serviceName |
"getDepositAccountDetails" |
userID |
e.g. "bobsmith1" |
e.g. "123456" |
e.g. "123456" |
accountID |
e.g. "1234" [Account Number] |
Information available in getDepositAccountDetails |
Description |
isServiceChargeWaived |
e.g. "false" [Whether service charge is waived] |
minorStatus |
e.g. "false" [Whether customer is a minor] |
dueInterestAmount |
e.g. "None" [Amount of interest that is due] |
isRestricted |
e.g. "false" [Whether the account is restricted] |
depositTerm |
e.g. "0" [Number of years which the cash cannot be withdrawn] |
interestPayoutAccount |
e.g. "0000001000" [Account Number which interest is paid to] |
parentAccountFlag |
e.g. "true" [Parent Account Flag] |
accountCloseDate |
e.g. "None" [Date which account is closed] |
minimumAmount |
e.g. "1000" [Minimum Amount in the deposit account] |
accrueInterestAmount |
e.g. "None" [Interest amount yet to be paid] |
accountOpenDate |
e.g. "2017-01-01" [Date which the account is created] |
narrative |
e.g. "Deposit Account" [Description] |
lastMaintenanceOfficer |
e.g. "peter" [Last Maintenance Officer] |
lastTransactionBranch |
e.g. "Singapore Management University" [Branch Name] |
maturityDate |
e.g. "2017-01-01" [Maturity Date] |
interestRate |
e.g. "0.026" [Interest Rate] |
officerID |
e.g. "peter" [OfficerID] |
currentStatus |
e.g. "Open" [Status of account] |
currency |
e.g. "SGD" [Deposit Account Currency] |
assignedAccountForManagementFeeDeduction |
e.g. "0000001000" [Account Number assigned for deduction of service charge] |
compoundInterestRateBasis |
e.g. "2017-01-10" [Date which interest is given] |
productName |
e.g. "CASA" [Name of product] |
productID |
e.g. "101" [Product ID] |
rateChartCode |
e.g. "G670" [Rate Chart Code] |
balance |
e.g. "1000" [Available balance in the deposit account] |
penaltyRate |
e.g. "0" [Additional charges] |
homeBranch |
e.g. "12" [Home Branch Number] |
customerID |
e.g. "0000000100" [Customer ID] |
ErrorText |
e.g. "invocation successful" [A text to describe the error"] |
GlobalErrorID |
e.g. "010000" [A common error code] |
ErrorDetails |
e.g. "None" [Extra information on the error] |
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