Purpose of this API command
Input |
Description |
serviceName |
"getLoanAccountDetails" |
userID |
e.g. "bobsmith1" |
e.g. "123456" |
e.g. "123456" |
accountID |
e.g. "1000" |
Information available in getLoanAccountDetails |
Description |
interestRate |
e.g. "0.026" [Interest Rate] |
currentStatus |
e.g. "Open" [Status of account] |
narrative |
e.g. "Deposit Account" [Description] |
isServiceChargeWaived |
e.g. "false" |
homeBranch |
e.g. "1" [Bank Branch Number] |
accountOpenDate |
e.g. "2013-01-01" [Date when account is opened] |
assignedAccountForAccountManagementFeeDeduction |
e.g. "1000" [Account Number] |
penaltyRate |
e.g. "0" |
balance |
e.g. "1000" [Account Balance] |
maturityDate |
e.g. "2013-01-01" |
customerID |
e.g. "0000000100" |
currency |
e.g. "SGD" |
officerID |
e.g. "Tom" |
productID |
e.g. "101" |
compoundInterestRateBasis |
e.g. "Monthly" |
rateChartCode |
e.g. "G670" |
dateBasisForRate |
e.g. "2013-03-03" |
productName |
e.g. "CASA" |
writeOffFlag |
e.g. "None" |
ltvRatio |
e.g. "None" |
penaltyRateBasis |
e.g. "None" |
writeOffDate |
e.g. "None" |
installmentAmount |
e.g. "0" |
loanClosureReason |
e.g. "None" |
repricingDate |
e.g "None" |
loanClosureDate |
e.g. "None" |
assetValue |
e.g. "None" |
rescheduleOption |
e.g. "None" |
agreementNumber |
e.g. "None" |
title |
e.g. "None" |
fixedTerm |
e.g. "None" |
repaymentMode |
e.g. "None" |
repaymentGraceDay |
e.g. "None" |
agreementSignDate |
e.g. "None" |
pledgeOrStopPaymentAmount |
e.g. "None" |
loanTerm |
e.g. "None" |
writeOffAmount |
e.g. "None" |
loanPurpose |
e.g. "None" |
letterOfOfferDate |
e.g. "None" |
disburseAmount |
e.g. "None" |
applicationID |
e.g. "None" |
isInterestWaived |
e.g. "false" |
lastTransactionBranch |
e.g. "null" |
lastMaintenanceOfficer |
e.g. "null" |
ErrorText |
e.g. "invocation successful" [A text to describe the error"] |
GlobalErrorID |
e.g. "010000" [A common error code] |
ErrorDetails |
e.g. "None" [Extra information on the error] |
Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Write EPub books for the iPad