Purpose of this API command
Input |
Description |
serviceName |
"updateStandingInstruction" |
userID |
e.g. "Kelvan" |
e.g. "987654" |
e.g. "987654" |
standingInstructionID |
e.g. "288" [Standing Instruction Number] |
amount |
e.g. "7.89" [Amount to be updated in the Standing Instruction] |
isRecurring |
e.g. "true" [True or False for recurring] |
frequency |
e.g. "Monthly" [Monthly or Weekly for frequency] |
nextDateTime |
e.g. "2019-10-15 11:00:00" [The next date time where transaction occurs again] |
narrative |
e.g. "anything" [Any text for narrative] |
Information available in updateStandingInstruction |
Description |
ErrorText |
e.g. "invocation successful" [A text to describe the error"] |
GlobalErrorID |
e.g. "010000" [A common error code] |
ErrorDetails |
e.g. "None" [Extra information on the error] |
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