• {{LC_ref_num}} {{LC_status}} {{LC_creation}} {{LC_currency}} {{LC_amount}}
  • Details for LC ID: {{LC_ID}}

    Ref Num:     Status:     Available By:
    Amount:     Currency:     Status Details:
    Ship Date:     Ship Period:     Goods Description:
    Importer No:     Exporter No:     Additional details:
    Confirmed:     Revocable:     Issuing Bank:
    Expiry Place     Ship To:     Advising Bank:

    Your LC is currently:

  • {{errorMessage}}
  • New LC Application Details:

  • Expiry Date Expiry Place Amount Currency Revocable
  • Confirmation Shipment To Ship Period Goods Description Additional Conditions
  • Amend LC Details:

  • Reference No. Expiry Place Amount Currency Revocable
  • Confirmation Shipment To Ship Period Goods Description Additional Conditions

  • exporterportal

      LC Enquiry
    Start Date :
    End Date :


  • {{LC_ref_num}} {{LC_status}} {{LC_amount}}
  • {{errorMessage}}
    Reference Number Status Creation Currency Amount
    {{LC_ref_num}} {{LC_status}} {{LC_creation}} {{LC_currency}} {{LC_amount}}
      LC Acknowledgement
    Start Date :
    End Date :


  • {{LC_ref_num}} {{LC_status}} {{LC_creation}} {{LC_currency}} {{LC_amount}}
  • {{errorMessage}}
  • Note: Don't Understand what's going on? Click on any of the following question marks

    Document Information:

    Letter Of Credit

    Bankers Guarantee

    Bill Discounting

    Reference Number:
    Document Type:


     Shippers Guarantee
    LC Reference Number : Bill of Lading number :
    Port Of Shipment : Port Of Discharge: :

     Other Details
    Vessel Number :
    Quantity & Description Of Goods :
    Remarks :

      Terms & Conditions

    In consideration of you complying with the above request, I/We hereby:-

    1. Confirm that no other bank is involved in this transaction
    2. Agree to pledge and deliver to you the goods/Bills of Lading or other title or accompanying documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Documents”) to the goods when I/we or my/our agent receives them, and thereafter to hold the goods under trust receipt on the terms and conditions appearing later
    3. Warrant to you that the approximate value of the goods in $ and I/we am/are entitled to receive the Documents and the goods
    4. Agree to hold the goods on storage as your property with liberty to sell and accounting for and paying the proceeds to you as soon as they are received
    5. Agree to keep the goods fully insured at my/our charge, the policy money being payable to you in case of loss and undertake to furnish proof of this at any time, if so requested by you
    6. Agree to do all other acts and things necessary to protect and preserve unimpaired your property in the goods and the Documents
    7. Undertake to deliver the goods to you if and when called upon
    8. Declare that neither the goods nor the Documents have been mortgaged, charged, hypothecated or pledged to any person, company or firm and I/we hereby further undertake and agree that neither the goods nor the documents will be so mortgaged, charged, hypothecated or pledged without your written consent
    9. Agree to pay to you on demand all monies which you may be required to pay under or in connection with the Shipping Guarantee together with interest thereon at such rate as you may prescribe from time to time calculated from the date of payment by you to the date I/we pay you in full
    10. Allow you in your absolute discretion and without reference to me/us notwithstanding any instructions by me/us to the contrary to compromise, settle, pay or resist any claim arising out of the release of the goods to me/us without releasing me/us from my/our liability to you
    11. Waive all rights that I/we may have at law to reject the Documents tendered under the abovementioned Letter of Credit and agree to accept the Documents as tendered
    12. Irrevocably authorize you to pay all drawings or drafts drawn under the abovementioned Letter of Credit notwithstanding and in spite of any irregularities or discrepancies between the documents called for thereunder and the Documents tendered; such irregularities or discrepancies to include but shall not be limited to any delay in the tender or presentation of any of the Documents or the incorrectness in the amount of any draft or the terms of any Document

      Applicant Details
    Your Account Number : Beneficiary Account Number :
    Applicant Name : Address :

    New Shippers Guarantee Application Details:


    Confirm that you agree to the following terms and conditions (You will be bound to the following terms):

    1. Confirm that no other bank is involved in this transaction
    2. Agree to pledge and deliver to you the goods/Bills of Lading or other title or accompanying documents (hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Documents”) to the goods when I/we or my/our agent receives them, and thereafter to hold the goods under trust receipt on the terms and conditions appearing later
    3. Warrant to you that the approximate value of the goods in $ {{amount}} and I/we am/are entitled to receive the Documents and the goods
    4. Agree to hold the goods on storage as your property with liberty to sell and accounting for and paying the proceeds to you as soon as they are received
    5. Agree to keep the goods fully insured at my/our charge, the policy money being payable to you in case of loss and undertake to furnish proof of this at any time, if so requested by you
    6. Agree to do all other acts and things necessary to protect and preserve unimpaired your property in the goods and the Documents
    7. Undertake to deliver the goods to you if and when called upon
    8. Declare that neither the goods nor the Documents have been mortgaged, charged, hypothecated or pledged to any person, company or firm and I/we hereby further undertake and agree that neither the goods nor the documents will be so mortgaged, charged, hypothecated or pledged without your written consent
    9. Agree to pay to you on demand all monies which you may be required to pay under or in connection with the Shipping Guarantee together with interest thereon at such rate as you may prescribe from time to time calculated from the date of payment by you to the date I/we pay you in full
    10. Allow you in your absolute discretion and without reference to me/us notwithstanding any instructions by me/us to the contrary to compromise, settle, pay or resist any claim arising out of the release of the goods to me/us without releasing me/us from my/our liability to you
    11. Waive all rights that I/we may have at law to reject the Documents tendered under the abovementioned Letter of Credit and agree to accept the Documents as tendered
    12. Irrevocably authorize you to pay all drawings or drafts drawn under the abovementioned Letter of Credit notwithstanding and in spite of any irregularities or discrepancies between the documents called for thereunder and the Documents tendered; such irregularities or discrepancies to include but shall not be limited to any delay in the tender or presentation of any of the Documents or the incorrectness in the amount of any draft or the terms of any Document
    Shippers Guarantee Number LC Reference Number
    {{SG_num}} {{ref_num}}
     Trust Receipt
    LC Reference Number : Bill of Lading number :
    Port Of Shipment : Port Of Discharge: :

     Other Details
    Vessel Number :
    Quantity & Description Of Goods :
    Value of Trust Receipt :

      Terms & Conditions

    In consideration of the Bank at our request releasing to us shipping or other documents (hereinafter referred to “the Documents”) relating to goods or the goods thereunder (hereinafter referred to as “the Goods”), purchase of which is financed under a letter of credit issued or to be issued at our application or is subject to a documentary collection bill or otherwise under an import loan granted by the Bank to us, which documents and goods we, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree are subject to a pledge in the Bank’s favour coming into existence at or before the time of such release:-

    1. Confirm that no other bank is involved in this transaction
    2. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    3. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    4. We shall permit, procure permission for the Bank, or the Bank’s agents or nominees to inspect the Goods on one or more occasions and to take possession thereof.
    5. We will not process, manufacture or commingle the Goods or permit the same to be processed or altered without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    6. We will not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Goods on deferred payment terms (other than normal trade credit) or for any non monetary consideration or for less than current market value without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    7. We undertake to forthwith return to the Bank immediately on demand at any time (whether or not the purpose set out above shall have been completed) the Documents, any other documents received by us in exchange or substitution for them and the Goods represented thereby and to comply promptly and fully with any instructions which the Bank may give as to the manner of dealing with the Goods or any of them or the removal of them to, or storage of them at, any place.

      Applicant Details
    Your Account Number : Beneficiary Account Number :
    Applicant Name : Remarks :

    New Trust Receipt Application Details:


    In consideration of the Bank at our request releasing to us shipping or other documents (hereinafter referred to “the Documents”) relating to goods or the goods thereunder (hereinafter referred to as “the Goods”), purchase of which is financed under a letter of credit issued or to be issued at our application or is subject to a documentary collection bill or otherwise under an import loan granted by the Bank to us, which documents and goods we, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree are subject to a pledge in the Bank’s favour coming into existence at or before the time of such release:-

    1. Confirm that no other bank is involved in this transaction
    2. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    3. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    4. We shall permit, procure permission for the Bank, or the Bank’s agents or nominees to inspect the Goods on one or more occasions and to take possession thereof.
    5. We will not process, manufacture or commingle the Goods or permit the same to be processed or altered without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    6. We will not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Goods on deferred payment terms (other than normal trade credit) or for any non monetary consideration or for less than current market value without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    7. We undertake to forthwith return to the Bank immediately on demand at any time (whether or not the purpose set out above shall have been completed) the Documents, any other documents received by us in exchange or substitution for them and the Goods represented thereby and to comply promptly and fully with any instructions which the Bank may give as to the manner of dealing with the Goods or any of them or the removal of them to, or storage of them at, any place.
    Trust Receipt Number LC Reference Number
    {{TR_num}} {{ref_num}}
    Reference Number:

  • {{ref_num}} {{party_id}} {{document_name}} {{document_type}} Download
  • {{errorMessage}}
  • Please choose a timeframe for your reports

    Start Date :   End Date :

    Please choose a timeframe for your reports

    Start Date :  End Date :

     Banker's Guarantee
    LC Reference Number : Bill of Lading number :
    Port Of Shipment : Port Of Discharge: :

     Other Details
    Expiry Date :
    Quantity & Description Of Goods :
    Value of Banker's Guarantee :

      Terms & Conditions

    In consideration of the Bank at our request releasing to us shipping or other documents (hereinafter referred to “the Documents”) relating to goods or the goods thereunder (hereinafter referred to as “the Goods”), purchase of which is financed under a letter of credit issued or to be issued at our application or is subject to a documentary collection bill or otherwise under an import loan granted by the Bank to us, which documents and goods we, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree are subject to a pledge in the Bank’s favour coming into existence at or before the time of such release:-

    1. Confirm that no other bank is involved in this transaction
    2. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    3. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    4. We shall permit, procure permission for the Bank, or the Bank’s agents or nominees to inspect the Goods on one or more occasions and to take possession thereof.
    5. We will not process, manufacture or commingle the Goods or permit the same to be processed or altered without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    6. We will not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Goods on deferred payment terms (other than normal trade credit) or for any non monetary consideration or for less than current market value without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    7. We undertake to forthwith return to the Bank immediately on demand at any time (whether or not the purpose set out above shall have been completed) the Documents, any other documents received by us in exchange or substitution for them and the Goods represented thereby and to comply promptly and fully with any instructions which the Bank may give as to the manner of dealing with the Goods or any of them or the removal of them to, or storage of them at, any place.

      Applicant Details
    Your Account Number : Beneficiary Account Number :
    Applicant Name : Remarks :

    New Bankers Guarantee Application Details:


    In consideration of the Bank at our request releasing to us shipping or other documents (hereinafter referred to “the Documents”) relating to goods or the goods thereunder (hereinafter referred to as “the Goods”), purchase of which is financed under a letter of credit issued or to be issued at our application or is subject to a documentary collection bill or otherwise under an import loan granted by the Bank to us, which documents and goods we, the undersigned, acknowledge and agree are subject to a pledge in the Bank’s favour coming into existence at or before the time of such release:-

    1. Confirm that no other bank is involved in this transaction
    2. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    3. We hereby undertake to hold any and all Documents so handed over to us now and hereafter from time to time (together with the Goods to which they relate and the proceeds or sale) on trust for the Bank as the Bank’s trustee(s). For the avoidance of doubt, where the shipping documents released to us consist of less
    4. We shall permit, procure permission for the Bank, or the Bank’s agents or nominees to inspect the Goods on one or more occasions and to take possession thereof.
    5. We will not process, manufacture or commingle the Goods or permit the same to be processed or altered without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    6. We will not sell or otherwise dispose of any of the Goods on deferred payment terms (other than normal trade credit) or for any non monetary consideration or for less than current market value without the Bank’s prior written consent.
    7. We undertake to forthwith return to the Bank immediately on demand at any time (whether or not the purpose set out above shall have been completed) the Documents, any other documents received by us in exchange or substitution for them and the Goods represented thereby and to comply promptly and fully with any instructions which the Bank may give as to the manner of dealing with the Goods or any of them or the removal of them to, or storage of them at, any place.
    Bankers Guarantee Number LC Reference Number
    {{BG_num}} {{ref_num}}

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