Create Deposit Account
From the Customer Overview page, select “Create Deposit Account” from the menu. There are 2 types of deposit accounts; CASA (Current And Savings Account) or TD (Term Deposit). The parameters for each type of product will be automatically set according to the product selection. Important points to note:
- The Initial Deposit amount for CASA and TD are $1,000 and $20,000 respectively.
- A deposit account can be created for any currency by selecting any available currency from the “Currency” selector.
- For CASA accounts, there is a check box labeled “Make Default Account”. If this is the customer’s first CASA account, then the system will automatically set it as the default account. For subsequent CASA accounts, the checkbox provides an option to make it the new default account. There can only be one default account. (Note: the default account is always displayed first at the ATM machine.)
- A customer MUST have CASA account before they can have any loan account. This is because the loan account will use a CASA account as the settlement account for loan installments.
Figure 3.5 – New Deposit Account
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